Talent recruitment
Always adhering to the development philosophy of "high standards for personnel, high technological breakthroughs, and high product quality"
  • Title Type Release Date
  • Product Manager Research and development 2023-11-10 More

    Job responsibilities:

    Product design and development, validation testing, and document release.

    Job requirements:

    Majors in electronics, software, optics, machinery, etc.

    Welfare benefits:

    【 Regular Benefits 】

    Five insurances and one fund: Upon joining the company, pay social security and housing provident fund, enjoy national policy dividends, and have no worries;

    End of year bonus: Annual bonus will be distributed based on the company's operating situation, and all employees will enjoy the company's development bonus;

    Equity incentives: Key positions and managers above participate in the company's equity distribution, striving for excellence and sharing with others;

    Holiday benefits: statutory holiday gifts and holiday allowances, others have them, and you must also have them.

    Paid annual leave: You are entitled to paid annual leave in the first year of employment, with a unified 12 day leave during the Chinese New Year, making the holiday more lasting.

    【 Special Benefits 】

    Free cafeteria: Provides free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with a wide range of North and South flavor dishes, and the key is unlimited;

    Free shuttle bus: Luxury bus routes cover all districts of Hefei, allowing you to commute with peace of mind and even stare beautifully;

    Humanistic care: Charity and filial piety funds, afternoon tea breaks, major gifts, and so on, are luxury pets;

    Activity tourism: Various clubs and fitness equipment (massage chairs, billiards tables, etc.), irregular organization of employee activities and outdoor tours, encouraging employees to work hard and live happily!

    Taiho Lecture Hall and Micro Classroom: Inviting experts from all walks of life to impart knowledge, skills, trends, and national essence together.

    Growth Guarantee

    A good team atmosphere, personalized learning maps and career development channels, helping you grow quickly;

    The company encourages breaking down the "departmental wall". Employees can apply for job transfer or competition based on their own strengths and interests. We strive for excellence rather than hard work;

    Implement comprehensive performance management, without salary promotion or salary adjustment, and ensure that all employees have fair access to annual salary adjustment opportunities.

    Listed companies have 40% of personnel with a bachelor's degree or above, distributed in various positions. They are the most reliable like-minded individuals for your future.

    [Work Environment]

    A youthful team, with young brothers and sisters full of vitality and a relaxed and enjoyable working atmosphere;

    The super large automation park industrial park allows you to experience what intelligence changes the world, making work easier and life better;

    A spacious and bright office makes your work more enjoyable; A dedicated fitness area to keep you in good shape at all times; There is a basketball court in the park, and after work, you can invite three to five colleagues to play basketball together, sweeping away the fatigue of the day.

    What are you still thinking? Join us quickly!

    Contact information:

    Recruitment email: (School+Name+Major+Job Application)

    Mailing address: No. 66 Yulan Avenue, Taohua Industrial Park Expansion Zone, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hefei City

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